Years ago I worked for an international ministry that had a prayer room. Those who had needs could call in and we would pray with them on the phone for their needs. It really was a place of training for me where I discovered how to have effective prayer.
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
One of the first things we did was to surround ourselves with scriptures. Using 3×5 cards, I would write a scripture on each card and then post the card on the bulletin board next to my desk. I would write the scriptures that covered the various needs that would come up on the calls. Then as the calls came in, I would look for the card with the scripture that I needed for that call. Eventually, I learned the scriptures and could pray them from memory. I would switch out the cards for other verses that I needed to learn. Think of the scripture above as one of my scripture cards. You will find more on the various prayer topics that we cover on this site. Feel free to make it one of yours.